[stylist] DBG 7 (completely new chapter)

Judith Bron jbron at optonline.net
Wed Sep 16 21:15:41 UTC 2009

Helene, when I gave birth to my third, a nine pound boy, a friend of mine 
was my roommate in the hospital for the last night of my hospital stay.  In 
the morning the nurses brought the babies and left them in their transparent 
basinets at the foot of our beds.  I pointed out to my friend, "Take a look 
at these kids.  Your daughter is lying there so dainty with her legs 
daintily crossed with her fragile features.  My son is laying there with his 
legs spread like a big lug."  Of course I loved my son and still love him 
all these years later.  However, no one could have convinced me that boys 
and girls are inherently the same.  I have nine year old grandchildren and 
had 9 year old children.  I don't know who told you that boys and girls are 
the same until they are nine, but they couldn't be more wrong.  There are 
differences starting from birth.  Judith

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