[stylist] April- Monthly Telephone Gathering, TONIGHT!

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sun Apr 25 12:18:20 UTC 2010

RE: Today, April 25th is the Writers' Division's monthly gathering (the last
Sunday of the month) 


Note: before I speak of the nights 2 main features, I again remind you all
to be aware of and respectful to the need to be brief in your comments.
Recall, when you are talking, it is hard for anyone to interject feedback
and in turn, even get a turn to talk. This phone system via the internet is
a blessing, but it is not like what we are use to when sitting down in
person; then you can easily tell when someone else is wanting to speak.
Thank you for this consideration 


--The first event: as previously posted- is an opportunity to meet and talk
with Chris Kuell. He is the editor of an on-line magazine called "Breath and
Shadow." this is a magazine created by the disabled and seeks disabled
authors and pays for submissions. 


--Our second feature of the evening is an opportunity for any member to
present, read a short example of their writing. This would be for the
purpose is an opportunity to get some on the spot, constructive feedback.
This was suggested during last months gathering. this can be any type of
writing that you would wish to present.


It has also been suggested, that if we do this again, how about sending the
work out to members prior to the meeting date. Let's talk about it. 


--The time for the gathering is- 8:30 PM Eastern; 7:30 PM Central; 6:30 PM
Mountain; 5:30 PM Pacific.


--The phone number to call is- 218-339-4300 


--the code is: 568839# (last character is a number sign)

Robert Leslie Newman
President NFB Writers' division 
Writers' Division Website-
Personal Website- 

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