[stylist] Very brief cross-disability poem

Elizabeth Sammons antigone at columbus.rr.com
Wed Aug 4 23:58:35 UTC 2010

Here's sharing a very brief poem with you. Some of my friends are deaf or
hearing impaired; others have cerebral palsey, and talking with these
friends can be very difficult, especially since I cannot reach their
nonverbal language. In addition to my visual disability, I've recently begun
developing another disability myself. I wrote this poem thinking of
communications and/or the lack thereof and wanted to share just for your
thought and enjoyment.

Elizabeth S.

Shadow words
By Elizabeth L. Sammons

Your shadow words dapple the stillness
Between your mind and my ears.
My brain reaches to catch them -
To chase their meaning thinking with you.
My own reply, syllabic,
Sings across the air to you-
However clear, my words  
Cannot match your deliberation -
However light my gests, 
They fail your introspection.

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