[stylist] story I just wrote

Chelsea Cook astrochem119 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 22:48:40 UTC 2010


  I'm not sure if this came through: I was mostly focussing on 
the relationship between student and professor, and how the 
"real" world had nothing left to offer them: how politics and 
bureaucracy had constricted the intellect so much that it had to 
escape.  Could not help putting a few of my present feelings in 
it.  Thank you for the editing suggestions: "Flitted" was just 
the word I was going for, I just couldn't remember it at the 
time! Also, the point about the briefcase helped: I didn't know 
they were that small!

  Where did you find those books you mentioned earlier about 
worlds colliding? I can't find them on the NLS Talking Books, 
Bookshare, or RFBD.
"I ask you to look both ways.  For the road to a knowledge of the 
stars leads through the atom; and important knowledge of the atom 
has been reached through the stars."
Sir Arthur Eddington, British astrophysicist (1882-1944), Stars 
and Atoms (1928), Lecture 1

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