[stylist] Feedback request, General content: Minneapolis Bus (Comma Rules)

loristay loristay at aol.com
Tue May 4 02:15:07 UTC 2010

Here's an exception, though.  If you are writing dialogue, you might well have the following:

"Why did Mary tag along?"

"Because she wanted to go."

Also, I note my grammar check often tells me I need a comma before "which."  If I don't feel it belongs, I change the word to "that."  If it still makes sense, that is what I really meant in the first place.

On May 3, 2010, at 5:34:16 AM, BDM <lists at braddunsemusic.com> wrote:

>Sentence fragments are dependent clauses that cannot stand alone.
>There are a few words that might indicate that you have a dependent
>clause, including: because, before, since, after, which, as, and if.
>These markers may indicate that you have a dependent clause that
>cannot stand alone. In other words, you could not have a complete
>sentence if you wrote:
>Because she wanted to go.
>Instead, you should link this dependent clause with an independent
>clause as in the following:
>Because she wanted to go, the girl got dressed and put on her shoes.

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