[stylist] Feedback request

BDM lists at braddunsemusic.com
Fri May 7 20:57:11 UTC 2010

Hi List,

I have an idea for a book, a suspenseful mystery surrounding the extraction 
of a gang member by a team of folks. The reader does not know or isn't let 
in on the connection of the team members until the end along with the gang 
member now with a new life change. Last year my wife and I were going to 
take a November 50,000 word challenge done by a writer's org, I can't 
recall now. At any rate I made it about 5000 words and have  tweaked it 
here and there, but I wonder if  what I have holds interest enough, if its 
moving forward enough? If it is worth pursuing from here, I'll invest time 
into applying the punctuation guides I've gotten here :). This is a first 
crack at any project of this size/nature. File attached in 2003 Word Doc, 
any feedback is appreciated, short or detailed comments welcome.

Rating is:

*Some violence
*One explitive :)

Thanks in advance.

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