[stylist] Synopsis
Bridgit Pollpeter
bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 15 04:55:09 UTC 2010
I have to create a book synopsis for a final project for a class this
semester. My professor, who is a published author, has said to write no
more than two paragraphs for our synopsis. Other published writers I
know say the same, no more than a couple of paras. It should look like
the blurb on the book jacket.
What you have is interesting, but I don't think it is a true synopsis
yet. You need a summary that heightens the story. You have way to many
plot details and the numerous characters are tending to bog the summary
down. Get to the bare bones.
Content wise, your book sounds interesting, but as a synopsis, you need
to focus on the bare essentials.
Sorry, this probably doesn't help a whole lot. All I know is that it is
too long for a synopsis.
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