[stylist] My current writing

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Oct 16 16:16:38 UTC 2010

You know, I truly appreciate and get excited to see members sharing some of
their work here on STYLIST. And if it is a piece that the author is putting
up for help, then, we see several of our best reader/critics (meant in the
positive sense of "critic"), stepping up and willing to take the time to
send back in meaningful and respectful suggestions/remarks. 


Below I will paste in one of my recent pieces. This one relates back to a
not long ago post of mine, where I asked for your opinion on a fundraising
event- was it NFB wise, philosophically sound and would that further our
cause or, would it damage what the NFB was doing to "Change what it means to
be blind." And so what this is, is a non-fiction piece, a lesson plan for a
philosophical discussion during a local chapter meeting and/or special
chapter or affiliate building event. This lesson is the first in a new
series of philosophical pieces that I will be presenting for those within
the Federation to draw from to better their efforts to do the work that we
are all committed. (I'm working on #3 as I key this in; planning to have one
out there every month.) this one went out on the chapter president's list in
September; October's should be out in a matter of days (it is getting some
last minute editing, by a friend). 

Interesting, I hadn't really pegged myself as a non-fiction writer, but I
bet that most of what I do is of a non-fiction type. Some of you are
familiar with my THOUGHT PROVOKER series, which consist of 154 short
fictional stories that had the purpose to provoke thought and change what
the reader felt/knew about blindness. And otherwise, what I have had
published (in "Future Reflections," "The Braille Monitor," Slate and Style,"
and various other blindness newsletters) have all been articles about life
and blindness; all non-fiction. Though, with the 2 blindness related
textbooks I've got started, I do have 3 fiction novels in progress, too.
(When I get retired at the end of this calendar year, I will have more time
to devote to all these works.) 




Topic: What is appropriate solicitation of funding

(NFB philosophy is one of our greatest gifts and assets)


Lesson Purpose: Discussion of NFB philosophy during a chapter meeting is one
of the best ways to build a cohesive and informed chapter body. The topic of
this lesson is one possibility from a nearly inexhaustible supply that can
be drawn from NFB literature, sponsored programs, activities and/or
initiatives. Presenting a philosophical-based discussion is important for
both new and established members; it quickens the understanding and
acceptance of our beliefs and promotes a genuine and lasting commitment to
the Federation's work.


[Instructions for the Discussion Leader: Helpful notes to aid the discussion
leader will be enclosed in brackets [ ] and are not intended to be shared
with the members.]


[The Structure of the Lesson- A. Start the discussion by presenting the
topic argument statement found in Section 1. (If needed, use the discussion
questions and answers provided in Section 1 to open and guide the
discussion.) B. Present the solicitation scenarios found in section 2. These
examples range from being clearly non-philosophically acceptable, to those
which are questionable, to those which are most philosophically desirable.
(A set of questions as a measurement tool for acceptability is provided and
can be applied to all scenarios.]


[The "correctness" of the philosophical guidelines comes from a recent
survey of NFB members and leaders that I conducted via email. A copy of all
correspondence can be found on my personal Website


--Section 1: The Philosophical Argument for this Topic


[Read the following statement to the members.]


--Philosophical Argument: What could there be in the makeup of an NFB
fundraising event, that would make it non-philosophically acceptable to be
engaged in and counterproductive to our goals? Verses, what should there be
in the make-up of an NFB fundraising event, that would make it
philosophically acceptable and an asset to the furthering of our goals?


[The following questions and answers can be used to guide the discussion
down the intended path and to the outcome, an understanding of what is
philosophically acceptable. It is not totally necessary during this initial
phase to get your people all on the same page because more discussion,
enlightenment and consensus will occur as the philosophical merits of the
fundraising scenarios are examined in Section 2.]


--Discussion Questions (Q) and Answers (A):


-(Q)- What is the main goal, the purpose of the National Federation of the
Blind? And what type of fundraising event might harm or help that goal?


-(A)- To help establish a sense of the main goal or purpose of the NFB, here
is a very familiar statement that we in the Federation have heard many


As it is stated on the very top of the NFB's Internet home-page for all the
world to read, "The real problem of blindness is not the loss of eyesight.
The real problem is the misunderstanding and lack of information that
exists. If a blind person has proper training and opportunity, blindness can
be reduced to a physical nuisance." 



It could be said that a main goal of the NFB is to change what it means to
be blind by providing information and demonstration of the capabilities of
the blind and to expand upon the opportunities the blind will have. How then
might this goal be helped or hurt by the right or wrong actions used in
seeking donations? 


-(A)- A simple measure of acceptance could be- "After seeing our fundraising
event, will people come away feeling better or worse about the capabilities
of blind people?" 


-(Q)- During a fundraising activity, what actions should the members be
engaged in to promote the spread of positive information and/or belief in
the capabilities of the blind? 


{The survey revealed that there are three main criteria or activities that
should be present in the average fun raising event to make it be the best it
can be, including promotion of the NFB goals.}


-(A)- There has to be public education of a positive nature going on. There
needs to be the dissemination of information in the form of the handing out
of NFB literature and/or open discussion between the NFB members and the


-(A)- Also along the lines of public education, there needs to be the
demonstration of blindness skills, to show that the blind are capable of
performing those tasks that make up the average person's life. Here are some
examples: demonstrating independent travel, writing and reading Braille,
using a computer running speech output and/or screen enlargement, using
magnification devices, etc.


[This third criteria does not fit every type of event, though it was felt to
be important.]


-(A)- There should be a low-cost item being offered for sale rather than a
straight solicitation for a donation with no item for the donor to walk away


--Section 3- Fundraising Scenarios 


[As you and your chapter work your way through the list of fundraising
scenarios, each activity needs to be measured against the following
philosophical examination tool. Read the measurement tool aloud to your
group and refer back to it at the conclusion of each fundraising scenario.]


--Philosophical Measurement Tool 


-The main question is- Does this activity help to promote the goals of the
NFB? If "yes," explain. If "no," explain.


-1. Does it educate the public about the NFB, our goals, programs and


-2. Does it educate the public about the capabilities of the blind by a
demonstration of blindness skills?


-3. Does it offer a desirable item for sale? (Does the sale of an item  fit
the physical circumstances of the activity?)


-Scenario 1: The Street Corner Encounter- You are walking along a busy city
street; there are many other pedestrians traveling in both directions. At
the corner of the block, a blind person attracts by-passers' attention. He
is wearing average-looking clothing, has a white cane. He is holding out a
non-labeled donation jar, saying to the sound of any and all who approach,
"A donation for the National Federation of the Blind?"


-Second Scenario: The Door-to-Door- A blind person (with cane or guide dog),
dressed in clearly NFB-labeled clothing, holding a box of candy, rings the
doorbell of a private home. When the homeowner opens the door, the blind
person says, "I am a member of the National Federation of the Blind, and we
are selling candy bars as a fundraiser. Would you like to buy one and help
us do our work within the community?"


-Third Scenario: Telephone Soliciting- You get a call, "We are calling for
the National Federation of the Blind. For the donation of $25, you will
receive a pass for 2 to attend "The Browning Brothers Magic Show." The NFB
will receive 25% of your donation." 


-Fourth Scenario: Email- You get an email from a blind friend or family
member. The subject line reads, "The NFB Race for Independence." You open it
up and the message body reads, "Dear Friend, I have entered the National
Federation of the Blind's "Race for Independence" and need your support. The
monies we collect from this fundraiser will be used through the Jernigan
Institute to cover the costs of programs for blind youth. Did you know there
is a literacy crisis in this country? Only 10% of blind youth are taught


--Fifth Scenario: A Staffed Display Table- "Would you like to purchase a
Mother's Day flower and support the work of the National Federation of the
Blind?" Calls out the woman, long white cane in hand, dressed in a polo
shirt with "National Federation of the Blind, New Town Chapter" clearly
stenciled across the front and back; she addresses the customers of a local
store as they enter and exit. The woman and several other members of her
chapter (all wearing NFB-labeled clothing) staff a six-foot table set up
just outside the main entrance to the store. (On the tabletop there are
stacks of a variety of NFB literature, Braille alphabet cards, a large
donation jar, a slate and stylist for taking notes, someone's long white
cane lying the full length of the table and a bill-identifier to demonstrate
and even use to make change. The front of their table displays a large NFB




Robert Leslie Newman

President- NFB Writers' Division

Division Website

 <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org> http://www.nfb-writers-division.org

Personal Website-

 <http://www.thoughtprovoker.info> http://www.thoughtprovoker.info

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