[stylist] My Current writing

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 16 20:10:11 UTC 2010

Your baseball book sounds interesting.  Will it be fiction then?  I
gather since you want to create a Braille descendent that it will be
fiction, but have you considered incorporating non-fiction with
fictional elements and make it creative non-fiction?  Just a thought,
and you could still use fictional characters.  Nonetheless, it sounds
Good luck.
I think it is perfect to develop a curriculum, of sorts, for Chapters
and groups to use as a guide for discussions.  Even Federation veterans
can use assistance when attempting to lead a planned discussion.  It is
always nice to have a source to reference.
It also helps provide a written understanding of our philosophy which
helps to set a standard across the board.  It's kind of like trying
teach math with all different kinds of perspectives.  I'm all for
creativity and thinking outside the box, but some things require a
uniformity so we don't break into different factions.  Hmm... much like
the Church.

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