[stylist] The Name of the Wind

Joe Orozco jsorozco at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 14:53:17 UTC 2010


How dare you mention a book whose next installment has not yet been
published?  I finished it yesterday and give it a one thumb up with a second
one quivering, maybe a 9.5 on a 10-point scale?  I don't know that I fully
appreciated the book until I'd finished it.  The opening was rather
cumbersome.  The author did not create a strong sense of place that is so
strong in Rowling's Hogwarts, but then again, the story is part travelogue.
Adult version of Harry Potter?  I can't decide.  The Name of the Wind
touches on some pretty deep themes that Harry Potter did not quite
accomplish, but I wonder how much of this was owed to the author's intended
audience.  Excellent book, all in all, and I hope the next one comes out
soon.  If you enjoyed reading Stephen King's Wizard and Glass, you'll love
The Name of the Wind.


Joe Orozco

"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves,
some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all."--Sam Ewing

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