[stylist] Writers' division Monthly Gathering- September

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Sep 18 20:11:38 UTC 2010

RE: September Writers' Division's Telephone Gathering- Sunday September



the topic for our monthly telephone gathering for this month has changed.
Our college instructor had to wing her way off to Singapore to consult or
teach. Exciting! I bet we can get her next month. 


The new topic is brought to us by Priscilla McKinley. She suggests: Have
people read a couple of paragraphs that focus on style and voice and that we
discuss nonfiction pieces that use particular styles and voices.  We could
also discuss various forms of memoir writing -- books, essays, journals, and
so on.  And forms of the essay?  Spiral, Linear, and disjointed. 


I'll be there for this one, for sure. Some of the above terms, I can only
guess at the concepts they represent. (Here is an admission- As far as I
recall, I've never cracked open a book on writing --- ooo lots of discussion
and come from that confession.) 


Is there anyone out there who can find examples of all the writing styles
mentioned above?


The time is- 8:30 PM Eastern; 7:30 PM Central; 6:30 PM Mountain; 5:30 PM


The phone number to call is- 218-339-4300 


The code is: 568839# (last character is a number sign)


It will be recorded and posted to our website


Robert Leslie Newman

President NFB Writers' division 

Writers' Division Website-

http://www.nfb-writers-division.orgPersonal Website- 



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