[stylist] Hood exercise

James H. "Jim" Canaday M.A. N6YR n6yr at sunflower.com
Thu Jan 6 02:55:51 UTC 2011

love the food refs.  what's the meaning of the girl's tasting 
cherries and vanilla on her lips?  did I miss something?

and, at this point:
Sam eyed the chocolate layered cake tempting him from the corner of his
desk.  He shuffled numerous reports stacked in front of him.  Checking
paper reports to electronic ones, he looked up when a knock rapped on
his door.

---I needed a little transition reference.  cue me a little to change 
of place/time/character.

At 08:14 PM 1/5/2011, you wrote:
>Sam eyed the chocolate layered cake tempting him from the corner of his
>desk.  He shuffled numerous reports stacked in front of him.  Checking
>paper reports to electronic ones, he looked up when a knock rapped on
>his door.

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