[stylist] Parental thoughts and subject line Re: stylist Digest, Vol 81, Issue 21

Brad Dunse lists at braddunsemusic.com
Sat Jan 15 01:37:58 UTC 2011


I think  you hit on the very topic that affects the fabric of 
society, or should I say the sound of that fabric tearing via nightly 
newscasts and headlines. Parents need to raise the kids  and not let 
it up to schools, after school events, or other influences. 
Parenthood goes beyond treating the lady/gentleman right at the 
candle lit dinner and sparkle in the eye. Responsibility starts with 
preparation of mentality and intention long before the delivery room 
and doesn't end until they are adults and even then guidance is good. 
It is tough enough to keep kids on the straight and narrow with as 
much immoral and undesirable influences on them, aside from  letting 
them to the wolves as latch key kids.

On a different note I wonder if it isn't too much to ask when 
replying to change the subject line to the topic you're responding 
to. The digest mode can carry many topics within so if that's doable 
it'd be appreciated. Thanks.


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