[stylist] Read my latest Live Well blog

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Fri Sep 2 13:04:04 UTC 2011

Hey Bridgit,

Great post. I don't know how well your sighted readers will relate, but your 
blind readers certainly will. I'm curious about how most of us react to such 
a situation. I generally try to take the opportunity to educate people when 
I can, but often it doesn't work--as I'm sure you know. Other times I don't 
say anything, as we encounter public ignorance so often sometimes I'm just 
too tired to deal with it. I have a blind friend who generally gets annoyed, 
and often sends back sharp barbs to the ignorant party in situations like 
this. I can remember being out to lunch with her and a waitress asked if we 
needed our food cut up (I kid you not). I don't remember exactly what my 
friend said, but it contained two or three F bombs and an offer to cut up 
the waitresses food if she needed it. I don't care for this over-reaction 
because it leaves the waitress (and others around us) with the impression 
that blind people are not only ungrateful, but crazy.

Anyway, just some thoughts.


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