[stylist] Another news release example

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 25 03:42:49 UTC 2011

National Federation of the Blind-Omaha
Breaking Barriers for the Blind
Bridgit Pollpeter, director, media relations
PO Box 241171, Omaha, NE 68124
(402) 350-1735  Omaha at NE.NFB.org
For Immediate Release
Bridgit Pollpeter, director media relations
National Federation of the Blind-Omaha Chapter
Omaha at ne.nfb.org

NFB-Omaha Seeks Fellow Blind People in Community

Omaha, Neb., April 28, 2011- The National Federation of the Blind-Omaha
Chapter (NFB-Omaha) http://www.nfb.org seeks new members during its
annual picnic.

NFB-Omaha will hold a picnic on June 16, 2011, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., at
Halleck Park, 500 E. Halleck St. in Papillion. NE  68046.  The picnic is
an opportunity for the chapter to invite the community and encourage
people to join.

The NFB is a consumer organization of the blind.  Local chapters
stimulate membership.  NFB-Omaha plans a picnic every year as a
meet-and-greet so the public can become acquainted with the

"Our monthly meetings do not always allow us the time to socialize or
provide much information to guest and new members," said Robert Leslie
Newman, president, NFB-Omaha.  "The picnic is an opportunity to meet and
speak with people in a casual setting."

NFB-Omaha works to break barriers built through stereotypes.  The
organization looks to provide equal opportunities to those who are blind
and visually impaired.

"Membership is vital to our chapter so we can continue our mission,"
said Bob Burns, board member, NFB-Omaha.  "We also hope to educate other
blind people as well as the public at large that there is life after

Only 10 percent of blind and visually impaired students are taught
Braille, according to the NFB's website, and a staggering 70 percent of
blind and visually impaired people are unemployed, according to the
Department of Labor.  The NFB has spent 70 years cultivating positive
attitudes about blindness and seeking equal opportunities in order to
change these statistics.

For more information about the NFB, visit, http://www.nfb.org; for
information about the picnic or NFB-Omaha, contact Robert Leslie Newman
at 402-556-3216, newmanrl at cox.net.
With more than 50,000 members, The National Federation of the Blind is
the largest and most influential membership organization of blind people
in the United States.  We are breaking barriers for the blind.  The NFB
improves blind people's lives through advocacy, education, research,
technology and programs encouraging independence and self-confidence.

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