[stylist] Exciting news

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Tue Apr 3 06:23:06 UTC 2012

I am so excited for you, both about the writing opportunities and the 
pregnancy! I think you'd be a perfect candidate for writing a memoir. 
I, for one, would love to read it, especially after having read some of 
your short pieces that you have submitted here.
Once again, I wish you the very best of luck with your pregnancy. As I 
read  the blog post, I couldn't help realizing how easy it is for some 
women to take having a child for granted. I wasn't even trying to get 
pregnant when I found out I was expecting. Having a child was on my 
list, but it wasn't something I was actively thinking of. It was 
something I thought I'd eventually seek out, sometime in the future. 
Yet, here you are, yearning to feel what it's like to cary and have a 
child, and you have to go through all kinds of hardships just to be 
able to experience it. Well, I'm sure all will turn out perfectly fine. 
>From what I've learned about you, you're a strong, determined person, 
and if anyone deserves to experience the amazingness of motherhood, 
it's you. So I'm rooting for you and your little family. Keep us posted 
on how you're doing, and if you'd  ever like to talk to someone who's 
just been through it all very recently, you're welcome to write me off list.


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