[stylist] my favorite Kids say the darndest things

KajunCutie926 at aol.com KajunCutie926 at aol.com
Thu Apr 5 03:18:38 UTC 2012

I'm loving these!
My  favorite one is  this.   When my children were each in third grade I 
was asked by  the third grade teachers to do a presentation on blindness and 
bringing some of  my braille tools and large print books.  This was to 
supplement a story  that was part of their reading curriculum.  The story was 
called 'My Mom  Can't See'.  I was also a school volunteer then and did tutoring 
and worked  in the book room which was also the ditto and copier room.  I  
explained to them the difference between totally blind and legally blind and 
 also explained there were different degrees in between. I loved talking to 
them  and they were so receptive and along with the story got to see 
disabilities in  general in a different light.  One day one of the young ones was 
sent to  the book room to get some copies made for his teacher but we were 
all off  doing other duties. On the third try I was back in the book room and 
he got  his copies.  He went back to the classroom and the teacher asked if 
 someone was in the book room or if he'd gone to the office to see if the  
secretary could do them.  He said, 'No ma'am, the illegally blind lady was  
in there.'  She got such a kick out of it that she could barely contain  
herself until recess.  When I told my husband about it, he just laughed and  
said, 'Honey, I've been telling you this years and now I'm validated.'  It  is 
one of those memories that to this day makes me smile.

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