[stylist] 3 Keys To Business Success./Re: new writing prompt

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Fri Feb 3 14:00:52 UTC 2012

Hey Brad,

This was a very enjoyable read, and quite cleverly done. I love the title, 
which turns out to be quite fitting. I can certainly relate to the 
locked-out scenario, as I did it a few winters ago. I had gone to a meeting, 
returned around 1:00 to discover I had no keys. It was freezing, my 
neighbors were all at work, so I was forced to walk to a local bar and kill 
time drinking beer until my wife came home at 6:00. You do have a few 
grammar and punctuation errors, which I'd be happy to point out to you if 
you plan on doing anything with this.

Great job.


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