[stylist] Entering a Writing Contest is a risk

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Feb 18 16:41:00 UTC 2012

Eve and others on STYLIST

RE: What do the rest of you writers think on this?


The question is: "Curious Robert, why do you say entering a contest is a
risk?" eve


Robert's shortish answer: A writing contest is a competition, an activity
where we agree to put ourselves out there to be judged. Granted, the
exposure isn't the same if you compare a writing contest where not many
others know we are actually competing, to taking part in a massive public
sports event. But we know. And so in my mind the question more is --- how do
we help ourselves or one another to take on this risk of submitting our work
to a contest, or to a publisher?


(Yeah --- what are the gains from the process working up to the taking of a
risk, to the benefits that come with a successful outcome?)



robert Leslie Newman

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Adjustmen To Blindness And Visual impairment


NFB Writers' Division, president



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