[stylist] disturbing, entertaining and illuminating

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Tue Jan 10 11:57:52 UTC 2012


I actually think 'Snow Flower and the Secret Fan' was a great book, and 
would classify it as literary fiction--not horror or any other label you can 
think of. Yes, the tying of the womens feet in China in the 1800s was 
horrible, but it was also real. That was a cultural thing they really 
did--even into the early 20th century. Class differences and seperation 
existed then, just as they do today, and in my view it was and still is 
tragic. The fact that the story stuck with you is a sign of great writing, 
in my opinion. It made you think, made you feel, touched you emotionally and 
stayed with you. In fact, it may even have changed you in some way--and 
isn't that the goal of our art form?
To me, the goal of writing is to entertain, and to illuminate.
'Snow Flower and the Secret Fan' did both very well.


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