[stylist] Reading scary/disturbing material

The Crowd the_crowd at cox.net
Tue Jan 10 14:34:51 UTC 2012

Sometimes we come across something that sticks with us for different 
reasons. Maybe you lived in the 1820s in a past life, maybe it triggers a 
distant memory. I read a child called It, and found the book disturbing, but 
since I thought the writing simple, it went down easier. Some books  I can 
read at some times and not others. Frame of mind has a lot to do with our 
If something sticks with you, it is powerful. It might change one person and 
leave another unaffected. Our personal world view and , in my opinion, our 
energetic and past life profiles are also involved in everything we intake.

When I was younger I read everything I could get my hands on about serial 
killers. I still find them fasinating, but now I don't feel compeled to read 
every book that crosses my path about them.

I can get triggered by books with discriptive child abuse, so reading things 
like "When Rabbit Cries", almost threw me off the deep end, and I still can 
only get halfway through Syble, before I have to pack up my brain and take 
it someplace else.

What is that saying, word is just world without an l, or sword without an s.


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