[stylist] HTML Code/Re: what site do you use for your blog

Brad Dunsé lists at braddunsemusic.com
Tue Jan 17 20:47:19 UTC 2012


I found the below code as Donna mentioned, while 
using Internet  Explorer 9, but Firefox doesnt' 
reveal it. It appears to me like it could be a 
"remark" tag/code  that wasn't closed or 
something. A remark tag is something in the code 
to make a note  within the code to those 
creating/reading it without executing 
anything.  Remarks, if I recall correctly,  can 
start with a lesser, exclamation mark dash dash 
type of mark up. Jaws looks in the code to do its 
job. Jaws will look deep in a web site in order to make it most accessible.

It's not anything of your doing Linda. Though you 
might want to let the blog tech support folks 
know if it continues in other posts. Here's  the clip of the text/code:

Here are some types of Juried Exhibitions for you to consider:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.) <!--[endif]--> Regional Juried Exhibition –

This show usually limits the scope of entries to 
a radius around where the show will be presented. 
It may be a “Tri-State” show, or a show that sets 
the distance that an artist may live from the 
exhibition site. Typically, that will be anywhere from 50 to 150 miles away.


Brad Dunsé

"You become that to which you are most exposed." --Unknown




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