[stylist] Need HELP with WORD RIBBON problem

Lynda Lambert llambert at zoominternet.net
Fri Mar 2 20:08:45 UTC 2012

Canyou hear me - tearing out my hair right now?

I have been working on a poem since early this morning; started it several days ago, and have been obsessed with getting it down.

but I have a problem.
Somehow, I accidently hit "something" that made the paragraph marks show up on my Word text - and I cannot get them OFF of there. I have no idea how I did it in the first place - I am using the Word ribbon - which I don't know how to use very well YET!

Can anyone tell me how to remove those marks so I can listen to my poem without hearing all the punctuation, too.?

I will quit tearing out my hair long enough to do it - that is a promise.  Lynda

Lynda Lambert
104 River Road
Ellwood City, PA 16117

724 758 4979

My Blog:  http://www.walkingbyinnervision.blogspot.com
My Website:  http://lyndalambert.com


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