[stylist] Roberts submission to gratitude prompt and additional thought/question

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sun Nov 25 17:31:35 UTC 2012

Hey you all,


Do any of us here on STYLIST who knows the ins and outs of writing flash
fiction? I need to do some studying on what it looks like; what is accepted;
learn whatever else there is to learn about it. (Boy, sure could use an
article in "Slate & Stylist" on it.) And this is why for me ---   my THOUGHT
PROVOKERS work in part because they are short, basically quick to read and
then get on to the business of discussion (after hopefully the
reader/listener has been intellectually provoked on an issue of blindness).
I'm thinking that my THOUGHT PROVOKERS "TPS" are flash fiction. Toward that
end, my first THOUGHT PROVOKERS were no more than 100 words in length.
However, I soon went to 300 as the max. (I was having fun in developing the
stories, and still felt they were quick enough.) Then --- the last 5  years
or so, I boosted the word count up to 700; thinking then, and now believing
700 max was the upper limit of a quick read. (In fact, the one I sent to you
all, I had played around with it before hitting the send key and jacked the
length up to 723.) 


What I am thinking and will do now is --- take the corrections and some of
the suggestions and do a rewrite with the intent of slimming the TP down to
700 or less. I have always enjoyed the feeling of success after a rewrite in
which I was able to tighten up a sentence, a paragraph, a story and still
get the point across and have it remain entertaining. (Think I need to look
on bookshare for a Hemmingway novel or set of short stories and scope them
out by reading them on my notetaker with Braille display . [I get so much
more on formatting, punctuation and sentence structure when I read in
Braille. Note- I always am reading one book on my notetaker and one via my
Victor Stream[) 


Any other corrections or suggestions! (There is another 153 to go through!)


Robert Leslie Newman

Personal Website-

Adjustment To Blindness And Visual impairment


NFB Writers' Division, president


Chair of the NFB Communications Committee   


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