[stylist] A Rainbow Came to Call...

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Fri Apr 5 13:25:19 UTC 2013


Thanks for sharing your poem. I'm no poet, so I'm nobody to offer you a 
critique. However, since you asked, I'll offer up these 2 thoughts.

I see that your lines are 8 syllables long, and line 2 rhyms with line 1, 
line 4 rhymes with line 3, and so on. In general, this works great, but I 
find the first 3 lines of this stanza a bit clunky:

Green's destiny is not a pot
of gold, but lands on trees, a lot
of memories of horseback rides,

After the next 2 stanzas, there's a single asterisk. Is that intentional?

Would I go back? Not on your life.

With darkness, night lights must allay

I enjoyed your poem. Thanks again for sharing.



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