[stylist] To ponder- taken to another level

Donna Hill penatwork at epix.net
Tue Feb 12 02:08:40 UTC 2013

I think you've really hit on something here. I have had a hard time ignoring
the light perception, and years ago when I had more vision, it was so often
unreliable, but I kept looking. I honestly do better at night with the
lights off, because I tune in to my other senses. I don't expect to see in
the dark, because I never did. So, I don't get distracted by an unreliable
sense, and I'm less likely to bang my shin on a coffee table. I also think,
when we live with other people, we have to be more conscious of what might
have changed. If you're near a door or a table with chairs, it's not a bad
idea to assume that things might have changed since you were there last.

-----Original Message-----
From: stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Anita
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 5:59 PM
To: Writer's Division Mailing List
Subject: Re: [stylist] To ponder- taken to another level

Yes, when I am going places like my doctor's office and I am familiar with
the layout, I use so cane.  But there are times when I may be moving through
my own house and I generally know where everything is in each room; however,
there is the chance that if a little one has moved a chair that I might bump
into it.
Or those times when someone gets up from the table and doesn't push their
chair all the way under it.  There was this coffee table in my mom's house
that was made of a sturdz wood that was heavy.  I knew exactly where the
table was in the living room and I deliberately try to walk around it.  But
somehow my shin would make contact with the corner of that table.
And I truly think that because I have light perception and can see objects
that sometimes I become a little disoriented.  I have tried explaining this
to other people and no one seems to really understand.  The lighting in the
room and perhaps the shadows from the furniture or something seems to come
together and I can end up veering too far left or right instead of walking
That happens especially when I am traveling outside or in wide open spaces
like a large room.  I don't know.  It's kinda whacky.


> ----- Original Message -----
>From: Bridgit Pollpeter <bpollpeter at hotmail.com
>To: <stylist at nfbnet.org
>Date sent: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 12:31:34 -0600
>Subject: [stylist] To ponder- taken to another level


>Do you use a white cane? Not that you won't still run into
things, but
>if using a cane, or dog for that matter, and using properly, you
>less likely to run into things, at least with your body.

>Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter, editor, Slate & Style Read my blog at:

>"If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can 
>satisfy, we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for 
>another world."
>C.  S.  Lewis

>Message: 24
>Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2013 20:56:17 -0500
>From: Anita Ogletree <yrstrli at gmail.com
>To: Writer's Division Mailing List <stylist at nfbnet.org
>Subject: Re: [stylist] Quote to ponder - taken to another level
>	-spelling	isfirst, recognition of a pattern
>Message-ID: <5116fe50.2a1e340a.4611.313b at mx.google.com
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed

>Well I will have to say that I have had a dream or two where I flew and 
>I went blind around 2 years old from what was believed to have been 
>Encephalitis.  This disease destroyed the optic ner"e.  I learned a few 
>yeins ajo that the optic nerve is designf to take images and transmit 
>them to the cornea I think?
>I may be off on this but I understand why it is that I can detect 
>objects in a room--the furniture, wh's on a wabbl, lights, but I cannot 
>figure out how big the objects are or tell what they are with that same 
>vision.  Sometimes the objects appear to be closer at times when they 
>are farther away and vice versa.  And it can also be very distracting 
>when attempting to travel independently.
>Of coursethereare times when I miss objects and bump into them.
>(Yikes! That happens with people as well." (smiles)


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