[stylist] boe2anthology prdering protocol, sample media release
Lynda Lambert
llambert at zoominternet.net
Tue Jul 2 12:31:00 UTC 2013
This was a good idea, Shawn!
I think a note of THANKS is in order for all of us who have work published
in this new anthology. So many people are involved in reading the massive
stacks of texts that are submitted. Making selections has to be very
difficult. I appreciate all of the people who have worked so hard to bring
this beautiful new book to the public. I will be doing my best to promote it
on my FB page, my website, and my blog as well as giving copies of it to
many people in my life who would appreciate it. Lynda McKinney Lambert
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacobson, Shawn D" <Shawn.D.Jacobson at hud.gov>
To: <kathryngc at juno.com>; <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: [stylist] boe2anthology prdering protocol, sample media release
> Kate
> Once again, thanks for selecting my work for the BOE second anthology.
> I am passing this Email chain to the NFB writer's group so that they have
> a contact person to ask about who, and what pieces, were selected for the
> anthology. We want to publicize this book in Slate and Style, the NFB
> writer's newsletter and want to be accurate when describing this book.
> Once again thanks.
> Shawn
> From: kathryngc at juno.com [mailto:kathryngc at juno.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 3:43 PM
> To: Jacobson, Shawn D
> Subject: Re: boe2anthology prdering protocol, sample media release
> Shawn,
> Your entries are
> #+`The Reality of Rejection
> #+A Journey of a Thousand Miles, Memoir
> #+Transit of Wonder, Poetry
> Write on,
> Kate Chamberlin
> On Mon, 24 Jun 2013 14:29:21 -0400 "Jacobson, Shawn D"
> <Shawn.D.Jacobson at hud.gov<mailto:Shawn.D.Jacobson at hud.gov>> writes:
>> Thank you for letting me know that the BOE book is coming out. It's
>> gratifying to be published.
>> Out of curiosity, which piece that I submitted (I had multiple
>> submissions) made it into the book?
>> Thanks for the good news.
>> Shawn jacobson
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: kathryngc at juno.com<mailto:kathryngc at juno.com>
>> [mailto:kathryngc at juno.com]
>> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 2:33 PM
>> To: kathryngc at juno.com<mailto:kathryngc at juno.com>
>> Subject: boe2anthology prdering protocol, sample media release
>> TO: Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look Contributors
>> RE: book ordering protocol and sample media release
>> Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look, The second literary anthology of
>> Stories, Poems and Essays by Writers with Disabilities edited by
>> Kate Chamberlin is a reality! You are a published author.
>> As a contributor, you may order your book(s)directly from the
>> publisher.
>> BOE2Anthology ordering information
>> 1) There is no minimum number of copies per order, HOWEVER, there
>> are sixty-five writers and just me to place the orders, so I would
>> like to limit the number of orders if that is possible.
>> 2) Preferably each writers should figure out how many they will
>> want/need and order only once. The book, including shipping will
>> cost $5.90 per book plus a $3.50 one-time handling fee per order
>> (added by the printer, not me, Pat).
>> 3) To order:
>> (a) the members should email Pat Gott at
>> pgott at gwi.net<mailto:pgott at gwi.net> with their
>> full name and how many books they want to order.
>> (b) Pat will respond with their total amount due.
>> (c) The members should then mail their check or money order to:
>> Patricia Gott,
>> PO Box 43,
>> Norway, ME 04268.
>> (d) Pat will place your order,
>> (e) the books will be shipped by the printer directly to your
>> address as listed on your submittal, usually within two weeks.
>> NOTE: Writers may re-sell books and either send the profit to the
>> BOE Treasurer or keep the profit. The royalties from books ordered
>> on-line will automatically go into the BOE Treasury.
>> BOE2Anthology, Sample Press Release (send to your local newspaper,
>> radio station, TV Channels, local public library, school library
>> and, of course, FaceBook, Twitter, your blog, etc.) Media Release:
>> (Insert date here) Submitted by: (Insert your name and phone number
>> here)
>> Anthology Includes Local Author
>> (Your home town): The creative works of local writer, (your name
>> here), is in the newest literary anthology published by Behind Our
>> Eyes, Inc., a
>> 501C-3
>> nonprofit organization.
>> Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look is the second anthology by a unique
>> collection of 65 writers with disabilities.
>> The topics range from humorously absurd to tragically abusive, from
>> cats and rabbits to guide dogs and even a guide horse, from medical
>> fiascos to survival tactics, and through pangs of deprivation to
>> heights of success. The vivid tapestry of life woven through their
>> stories, poems, and essays, demonstrates what a captivating and
>> diverse group of writers they are; yet their creative writing
>> collection showcases their similarities to each other and the world
>> at large.
>> Copies of Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look, edited by Kate Chamberlin,
>> 978-1490304472 are available through Amazon.com for $16.96 per soft
>> cover book.
>> Also available in Kindle and Nook formats. Author contact: (Insert
>> your name here, your e-mail and/or website here, if you want people
>> to contact you
>> for interviews, book signings, etc.)
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