[stylist] Books & Beyond presents author Brian Katcher Wednesday March 20 2013
NJ Lynn
freespirit.stl at att.net
Wed Mar 20 07:12:51 UTC 2013
Books And Beyond Presents Author Brian Katcher, Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Logan Witherspoon has had trouble. His three year relationship with Brenda has just ended. He is lonely and alone much of the time with little or no hope for a brighter future. His luck changes when a new student enters his small Missouri high school. If you have attended a small school with the same classmates, you know what a breath of fresh air someone new can be.
Sage Hendricks is a wild child, and she has secrets that will change Brian’s life and outlook about love and friendship. If you had a friend who told you something which derailed your hope for romance, what would you do? That is the question at the heart of Brian Katcher’s second novel. Through it, he takes us in to a world and lifestyle he portrays with both sensitivity and compassion.
How did Brian choose to write about this delicate subject? When writing about sensitive issues, is research done differently? What has the reaction of teens and their families been to the book? What can and should we do to help teenagers deal with the choice to keep such a secret? How open and forthcoming should they be about the choices they make in how they live their lives? Should secrets be kept at all and under what circumstances?
On our next show, we will meet and talk with a fabulous Missouri author who has taken on a heartbreaking but very timely subject. I hope you will join us as we get to know better a tremendous young author with much to say of importance to all of us. Below is information about Brian and details of how you can attend and participate in this upcoming show. His first novel, Playing With Matches as well as Almost Perfect is available on Bookshare. The bard information for Almost Perfect is below.
Brian Katcher was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1975. He attended the University of Missouri, Columbia, before dropping out of society and bumming around Mexico for three years. He’s worked as a fry cook, a market researcher, a welding machine operator, a telemarketer (only lasted one day), and a furniture mover. He lived on an Israeli military base one summer, and once smuggled food into Cuba. When he’s not writing, he works as a school librarian. He lives in central Missouri with his wife and daughter. He still hasn’t paid the parking ticket he got in West Virginia in 1997.
Almost perfect DB 74607
Katcher, Brian. Reading time: 8 hours, 21 minutes.
Read by Gregory Maupin.
Human Relations
Young Adult
Logan Witherspoon can't get over his girlfriend after she dumps him. But then Sage Hendricks arrives at his small-town Missouri high school and turns Logan's life upside down with her secret. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. Stonewall Book Award. 2009.
e-Mail: bonnie at accessibleworld.org
Date: Wednesday, March 20,
Time: 5:00 PM PST, , 6:00 PM MST,
7 PM CSt
8 PM EST, ,
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