[stylist] Pantoum to Winter

Lynda Lambert llambert at zoominternet.net
Sat Mar 30 16:38:25 UTC 2013

I know everyone is longing for spring, and I am, too. But somehow when I sat down to write this morning, Winter was there by my side. Intuition does that for us. I thought of the complaints against winter at this time of year. And, then I thought again of what the Creator of winter might have done during His glorious  creation of this season. 

Here is what I just finished today:
"A Pantoum to Winter" and I will copy/paste it below, and add it as an insert for those who need it that way.


"Pantoum to Winter"


God viewed the transitory seasons,

Helped  them change their clothes. 

He painted  the earth with vibrant strokes 

And sang at the birth of opal Winter Skies 



Helped them change their clothes

Dressed the earth in sparkling white diamonds

And sang at the birth of opal winter skies. 

Hung Frozen brass windchimes on the snow laden trees.



Dressed the earth in sparkling white diamonds

Stopped awhile to make snow angels in the windswept field

Hung frozen brass windchimes on the snow laden trees

Called forth scarlet feathered  birds to brighten the pale slate sky.



Stopped awhile to make snow angels in the windswept field

He painted  the earth with vibrant strokes 

Called forth scarlet feathered birds to brighten the pale slate sky.

God viewed the transitory seasons,



(by Lynda McKinney Lambert.  Copyright, 2013. All rights reserved.)


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