[stylist] Cookbook and other writing Tessa

April Brown aprilbrownwrite at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 12:24:49 UTC 2013

An interesting note:  Most colors, dyes, and flavors, used in the US are
banned in other industrial countries, as are GMOS.



Lynda Lambert llambert at zoominternet.net
Thu Oct 31 10:54:20 UTC 2013 

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Another thing that I think is so crucial for all of us, is to check the 
labels for dyes in the foods.  You will probably be shocked when you read 
the labels and come to that part - there can be numerous dyes in your food. 
And, in the pet foods, too. One of my dogs became very sick, vomiting 
several times a day and into the night - it was horrible (and especially for

people who have white carpeting in every room of the house except the 
kitchen, where it is light tan).  Once we got this dog on the food we bought

at the vet's, the vomiting has stopped. The problem was the dyes that are in

just about every pet food you can find on the shelves in the stores.
My husband just about had a heart attack when we bought that first bag 
because it seemed to be so expensive. But, now that we are using it, the dog

is well, and both of our dogs are eating it - now eating far less food than 
before, and gaining weight and satisfied.  The sick dog is now thriving and 
needs to get a new harness because she is gaining muscle weight, not fat. 
You can actually see the difference in her body these days, because of the 
good nutrition she is now getting.
There is absolutely no way  those dyes and saturated fats are healthy for 



April Brown


Writing dramatic adventure novels uncovering the myths we hide behind.



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