[stylist] Poem - "Magician"

William L Houts lukaeon at gmail.com
Sat Apr 19 23:11:11 UTC 2014

Hey Pepples,

Was just digging through my poetry folder and found the following. It's 
been through a number of revisionssince I wrote it a year ago, and is 
now, with its new perm and cocktail dress is ready for the party.  Don't 
be afraid to comment if it suits you, it gives me a little thrill, 
though I"m not begging; at least not too seriously.




More than grasping the hat,

and drawing forth fur, pink eyes glazed

with having seen that other place.

You bridge the dark with your bones,

and some of us can't make the stretch.

Some grow muzzy, faint anddrunken,

failed miracles dusting their suits

like the powders of fatal moths.

"What's it for anyway?" they ask

in their whiskeys, crass and emphatic:

sarcasm,some satan's crown:

the rabbit is answer enough, you say.

You conjure for joy,

though it all bleeds away

when the crowds are too soured to sigh.

I once spoke high blazingwords,

and worlds cracked like eggs.

now I groan when the door creaks,

wantingnothing not already there:

Yet sometimes, sly, I pluck

the blood rose from gardens of air.

copyright 2014 William L. Houts
United States of America
All Rights Reserved

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