[stylist] Excited to have my first novella published!

April Brown aprilbrownshade at gmail.com
Wed May 7 10:38:07 UTC 2014

Good morning.

I am so excited to have my first novella published.

For the last year plus, I have struggled with trying to get training to help me through my vision loss.  I tried various screenreaders on Windows.  They bogged it down so bad that I couldn't even check my mail.  And I never did manage to figure out how to get one to work.

So in December I bought a Mac, since I was told VoiceOver was easy and intuitive.  Five months later, and I still can't duplicate any set of instructions I have written down.

It is too complex, and I can't duplicate directions the following day no matter what I do.  And there are no step by step manuals.  Lots of "Rah! Rah! You can do it!" No steps.   Yeah, I know how to turn it off and on.  That's the only command that mostly works.

    I was concerned about Monday and preparing my novella for Smashwords and Amazon.  

After all, if I can't figure out how to use a basic screen reader that any blind person with no computer training can use without thinking, how could I ever hope to do something so complex as publish a novella?

    How much trouble did I have?

    I had to try a second time with the cover for Smashwords.

    That was it.  It was a breeze otherwise.  Less than two hours. And that counted the time to reformat based on Amazon's directions.

    What does that say about me?

April Brown

Writing dramatic adventure novels uncovering the myths we hide behind.

aprilbrownwrite at gmail.com

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