[stylist] Poem - "Arrival" - First Draft

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Wed May 7 13:38:52 UTC 2014

Hi Bill,

Another interesting poem, this one certainly more accessible to the common 
folk. I don't know if there were formatting issues resulting from cutting 
and pasting, but in my version, you need a space between 'enough' and 'to' 
in the drink line. There are also a couple of spots where you need a space 
after a period. One question I had was about your choice of 'milk'. Of 
course, we humans associate water with life,  s the two are inseperable. But 
milk? Sure, it's the initial sustinance of many of our world's babies. But 
if your aliens want to experience what it is to be human--give them a beer! 
A bottle of California red--even a Coke and a smile.


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