[stylist] The Poet Biz

William L Houts lukaeon at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 11:50:44 UTC 2014

Hey Gang,

Since I recently topped my goal of writing one hundred poems over the 
last year, I've started thinking of submitting them to magazines and 
contests.  More wildly still, I'm looking forward to publishing a slim 
volume of my favorite stuff.  What I'd like to know is how do you go 
about publishing a book of poetry?  Do you need to have a platform 
first, some kind of related fame?  Do publishers want to see that you've 
published in mags before they spend time and coin on your work?  Can 
performing at readings and open mikes help in any way?  As it happens, I 
was kinda sorta quasi-famous in Seattle back in the mid-90's, but I 
can't say that anyone remembers those poems now, although they drew fine 
responses back in the day.  What's the news, crew?



"Oh, Sophie!  Whyfore have you eated all de cheeldren?"

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