[stylist] Anyone else having Voice Over troubles?

Amy Krout-Horn krouthorn at verizon.net
Fri Oct 10 14:43:41 UTC 2014

Hi All,
I know this is more of a tech question than a writing-related topic, but since many of us use IPhones as tools when it comes to the business of writing, I thought I’d throw it out for discussion.
I started using an IPhone 4s about a year ago and was loving the Voice Over feature and all it allowed me to do. All was well until I decided to go ahead and download IOS 8. Now, Voice Over is acting crazy, shutting down and restarting, making it impossible to access most apps. Apple claimed greater accessibility with IOS 8, but it has down-graded my device into a basic, barely functioning, old-school cell phone. Anyone else facing this dilemma? Is 8.02 the answer or just a greater problem? An suggestions that do not include throwing the device against a wall? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,

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