[stylist] Poem - "Nile" - Secondish Draft

William L Houts lukaeon at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 21:43:26 UTC 2015

Hey Poets and Generally Hip Literary Types:

Just finished a poem, so you can't say I waste my Sundays.  I've been 
working on this one all day, off and on.  It's finally bearable, or 
anyway bearable enough to show to all you good pepples.  Actually, given 
the shape it was in this morning, I think I have reason for some small 
amount of pride.  Anyway, for such a small poem, I think it covers a lot 
of territory; your mileage may vary.  Poem follows below the dotted line.



I'm staggered by the rightness of things:

how the point of a screwdriver serenely sockets its screw,

twisting until that faint happy groan, you know the one, announces

its deep mechanical yes.

And our coffee machine, the simplest of these, how it drips

our black happy liquor through its bullseye lid.

It's a great human art which delivers these tributes,

these high happy musics into garages and kitchens:

the vaults of our Knoxes, our brain banks,

the banks of a fish-slendid Nile

and gather our hungriest, r homeliest needs

in minds of sun-crowned thrashing silver.


"Oh, Sophie!  Whyfore have you eated all de cheeldren?"

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