[stylist] Poem

Semirhage severus13 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 04:12:02 UTC 2015

I completely agree with you. I don't think creativity should have a style, 
and saying that doing and expressing in a certain way is bad poetry is 
just...subjective and thus wrong for me. I mean it's so opinion oriented. 
Like saying the rhyming poetry is bad and out of style, b but some of the 
great classic poets did it and now they don't suddenly suck, so it's just 
weird for me. I am only using that as an example, but it goes for anything 
that was accepted as good. If it was good, publishable, made a great poet 
back whenever, it should always be good. No one is deciding that Bach's 
music is out of style and trashing it now. Nor should they, but it's the 
same thing to me.
Not sure how much sense that makes or if I'm expressing it well, but the 
fact something is good and even great then is suddenly no longer good or 
great is just illogical to me. The same thing goes for fashion. To me it's 
like they're saying something is bad because everyone isn't doing it. I say 
good for whoever is not following the crowd. LOL. And especially if it used 
to be great, but even if it's not. Something shouldn't be considered bad 
just because it's being done in a way that hasn't been done before. To me a 
large part of art is not following the crowd.
I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed.
I get along with the voices inside of my head. 

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