[stylist] re Lynda's comments

Jennifer Applegate jlastar at comcast.net
Mon Dec 14 13:55:04 UTC 2015

Hello Lynda,

In response to your comment, "If you need some direction because you are in
a murky place with this paper, then you need to speak with your  professor
and get some additional direction.," I emailed my professor for additional
information and she provided me with it based on my desire to compare two of
Frost's poems with two of Clifton's poems. She said, "Miss Rosie" is very
different in style and content from the work of Robert Frost. Clifton is a
generation later than Frost, but I fear they are still too close together in
time (and their period of writing does overlap) for this to be a true
classic vs. contemporary contrast. If you want to work with Clifton as your
contemporary poet, I'd like to suggest someone like Phillis Wheatley
(http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/phillis-wheatley#poet) as your classic.
They would lead to a very interesting comparison in terms of both their
content and their style." However, I still desire to use Frost as my classic
poet, so I am back to square one to find two contemporary poems to compare
to Frost's poems. At this point I am just looking for which poems I will
write about.

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