[stylist] off-toppic to Bridget

Barbara HAMMEL poetlori8 at msn.com
Fri Jan 30 03:26:21 UTC 2015

Bridgit, you could do your own experiment with Atty's suggestions. Take one group of food away at a time. They say you only need to do it for about two weeks to see if you see a difference.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 29, 2015, at 13:17, Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter via stylist <stylist at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Atty,
> Thanks, good advice, will have to bring up with doctor. His sugar intake is
> pretty limited, which includes fruit juice. He's a very picky eater right
> now, and in fact, the only food he will for sure eat is oatmeal and Greek
> yogurt. We keep trying other things, and sometimes he will eat, and other
> times, he won't touch. None of us eat junk food or candy often; it's a rare
> treat like on a holiday or something. In fact, Declan didn't have any of his
> Halloween candy, ha-ha, we ended up just trashing most of it. When we do
> sugary stuff, it's usually home-made baked items I make, but I don't do this
> frequently, especially now that Declan knows what cookies and cake are and
> loves them, grin. We try to do organic as much as possible. Declan use to
> love veggies, but not so much anymore. I make a lot of things where I can
> puree veggies and put in so he gets the benefits without knowing it, smile.
> I have several purees I make up and put in things like home-made mac and
> cheese, pasta sauce, casseroles, soups, crock-pot meals, etc. He does like
> toast, but we only buy whole wheat or whole grain bread. You still have to
> double check ingredient lists as well as nutrition facts though on these
> items. I don't have food allergies, but Ross and I both have family members
> with food allergies, and they are so common, it's worth looking into.
> Bridgit
> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Atty via
> stylist
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 5:39 AM
> To: 'Barbara HAMMEL'; 'Writers' Division Mailing List'
> Subject: [stylist] off-toppic to Bridget
> I'd remove all the things that are the big allergy hitters. Grains, dairy,
> cut out all sugar and even watch the fructose, that sugar in fruits. Some
> people take out night shades, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, eggs, nuts, ETC.
> Check out the following people and see who resonates with you.
> The wellness mama,
> http://www.wellnessmama.com
> She is smart and  has tons of free info. 
> DR. Amy Myers MD
> www.amymyersmd.com/
> Brilliant.
> DR Josh Axe
> www.draxe.com
> Good luck with your beautiful little boy, he was so well behaved at the meet
> and greet.
> So cute.
> And come to our yoga group every third Saturday of the month. You don't have
> to be in the OAB just come as a mom and woman and person, and take off your
> mom hat for a couple of hours. Ross can come too if you can get a sitter.
> Than on the first Saturday of the month, starting in march  we are doing a
> self defense, strength training stuff including  judo,  boxing, and
> one-touch, that self defense modality developed especially for blind people.
> Got to take care of yourselves.
> On Wednesday, at 7 PM, Feb 4th,  the wellness group is having a phone
> meeting if you want to log in. It will be Magon, Mark,  Cathy Brown, me,
> Melissa,and others. Robert you can come to yoga too or join the call.
> Sorry I sort of high jacked the list with a bunch of personal stuff, but
> wanted to extend the invitation.
> Snugs,
> Atty
> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Barbara
> HAMMEL via stylist
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 7:01 PM
> To: Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter; Writers' Division Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [stylist] Writers and depression
> Another thing you may have to take out of his diet, if you haven't is red
> and yellow dyes. I have a friend whose 3-yearuold grandson gets mean if he
> has red dye and gets hyper if he has yellow. If you try lavender essential
> oil, you rub it on his feet.
> Barbara
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 28, 2015, at 13:23, Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter via stylist
>> <stylist at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> As I've said, we do have a schedule, or try our best. Actually, most 
>> our day runs on a schedule. I don't let the kids sleep past a certain 
>> time, unless sick. We eat meals and snacks at scheduled times, and 
>> since we started potty training, which we are just a week in, drinks 
>> are scheduled now as are the times we sit on the potty, which is every
>> 30 minutes. And we do have our bedtime rituals. And Declan is a 
>> creature of habit; he has to have things go exactly the same way every
> night, LOL!
>> We limit sugar and TV/computer stuff through the day, and definitely 
>> not around bed time. Usually, the only time we let him watch more than 
>> an hour a day, is when he's sick.
>> If we leave toys or books with him, it's too much of a stimulant when 
>> trying to sleep. He has his favorite stuffed animal he has to sleep 
>> with, and a soother. He's still in the crib, because he prefers it, 
>> though there's also a bed in his room.
>> Since he was born, he thinks the middle of the night is play time. 
>> Even when an infant, as long as he wasn't screaming and was safe, I 
>> will leave him and let him play. But regardless of how we approach it, 
>> if he gets up in the middle of the night, 9 times out of 10, he wants 
>> to
> play.
>> Sometimes, he does want to sleep with me, which depending on the day 
>> and time, we will let him do. If he gets up at 6, we usually adjust 
>> our schedule, but if it's before 6, depending on his mood, we might 
>> try to get him to go back to sleep.
>> So I don't know...
>> Bridgit
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Julie 
>> J. via stylist
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 9:36 AM
>> To: Chris Kuell; Writers' Division Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [stylist] Writers and depression
>> I agree with Chris and would add a few things.  A bedtime ritual can 
>> be helpful for easing kids into the idea of bed time.  reading a 
>> story, snuggling on the couch, a bath...whatever makes sense for your 
>> family, but keep it calming.  A regular schedule can help too.  Go to 
>> bed at the same time and get up at the same time.  You might find that 
>> adjusting the schedule a bit will fit your sleep habits better.  Here, 
>> we go to bed crazy early, like 8, and get up crazy early, between 4 
>> and 5.  I used to stay up late and sleep in late and felt tired all 
>> the time.  Lastly, I would provide the Kiddo with some quiet things 
>> for
> him to do independently, if he wakes.
>> He could look at a book  or talk to his stuffed animals, but he has to 
>> stay in his room, being quiet so you can sleep. If he doesn't, take 
>> him back and go back to your room.  It will probably mean more 
>> sleepless nights before it gets better, but he should learn that night
> time is not playtime soon.
>> Good luck!
>> Julie
>> Courage to Dare: A Blind Woman's Quest to Train her Own Guide Dog is 
>> now available! Get the book here:
>> http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QXZSMOC
>> Visit my new website on developing courage and living authentically:
>> http://www.falling-up.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chris Kuell via stylist
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 9:00 AM
>> To: 'Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter' ; 'Writers' Division Mailing List'
>> Subject: Re: [stylist] Writers and depression
>> Bridgit,
>> I would not use melatonin on a healthy 2 year old. You are probably 
>> doing all these things already, but my advice is to watch his diet and 
>> make sure he's not eating sugary foods, especially after say 4 in the 
>> afternoon. I would make sure he gets a lot of exercise. I would not 
>> let him nap after 4 in the afternoon. And here's the hardest part--I 
>> would insist he stay in his room at night. Be firm and let him know 
>> Mommy and Daddy need sleep, and he will be punished if he goes into 
>> your room before he sees sunlight in his window. This won't go over 
>> well, and he'll probably pitch a fit. But once he gets it--and he
> will--the whole family will feel better.
>> Chris
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Bridgit 
>> Kuenning-Pollpeter via stylist
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 8:59 AM
>> To: 'Lynda Lambert'; 'Writers' Division Mailing List'
>> Subject: Re: [stylist] Writers and depression
>> Okay, know this is totally the wrong list for asking this, but since 
>> we are in the ballpark...
>> Declan, at two-and-a-half, has insomnia, and at least 5 nights a week 
>> doesn't sleep through the night. His pediatrician recommended melatonin.
>> It's supposed to be all-natural, though anything in pill form can't be 
>> totally all-natural because of what has to happen to break it down and 
>> turn into pill form. I hate medicating my baby in any way to get him 
>> to sleep, and honestly, it doesn't help him sleep through the night.
>> He will usually fall asleep quicker, but he still gets up in the 
>> middle of the night, and when he wakes up, he thinks it's play time.
>> So, any thoughts, suggestions? Do we just need to resign ourselves to 
>> the fact that we will not sleep much ourselves for the next few years, 
>> or is there something else anyone has tried, heard of... Obviously, 
>> with young kids, you don't get a lot of down time, and even toddlers 
>> don't always sleep through the night, but Penny wasn't like this at 
>> all. And Ross and I are often getting 2 to 3 hours of sleep most 
>> nights because of this problem. And I have insomnia myself, so any 
>> sleep I
> can get is necessary.
>> Okay, sorry, know it's not the right list, but still, putting it out
> there.
>> And along with a myriad of other things, the lack of sleep gets in the 
>> way of my ability to write, to create. Those with children know you 
>> have little time for personal endeavors anyway, but then you add in 
>> the lack of sleep, and it exacerbates things.
>> Bridgit
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Lynda 
>> Lambert via stylist
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 7:07 AM
>> To: Barbara Hammel; Writers' Division Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [stylist] Writers and depression
>> Barbara, thanks for the information here on h Pilori - my duaghter has 
>> had it for at least 2 years and treatment with drugs has not killed it
>> - I am going to pass along your good information to her in hopes it 
>> may help her if that is ok with you. Lynda
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Barbara Hammel via stylist
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 10:57 PM
>> To: EJ Kobek ; Writers' Division Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [stylist] Writers and depression
>> The only thing that I could add here, as my piece for the writing 
>> prompt is to tell you how a change in one's diet and the killing of a 
>> pesky thing called Helicobacter Pylori can make a huge difference.
>> We presume that Jesse came to us with all of his hidden health issues.
>> Three years after he came into our family he had a surgery to fix 
>> double hernias and we thought that would be the end of our miserable 
>> existence of listening to him scream from sun up till sun down and 
>> most of the nights for SIX months.
>> Much to our chagrin, that was only a taste of what life would be like 
>> to a greater degree.  It wasn't continuous screaming and it wasn't up 
>> half the night every night but the next few years were pretty long.
>> Then we went to a gastroenterologist who had us collect a stool sample
>> -- such a fun task when your child is still in diapers -- so he could 
>> test it for whatever he was looking for.  Well, Helicobacter Pylori 
>> showed its ugly self and we began the couple of years of antibiotic 
>> treatments to kill the dumb thing.
>> In case you don't know, in the 1990s it was discovered that, most 
>> certainly, H. Pylori is the cause of stomach ulcers.  We learned that
>> %40 of the people over age 60 have this monster in them but only %20 
>> of that %40 present with the ulcers.  Due to healthier means of 
>> preparing food and treating the water supply, the percentage of folks 
>> who have H. Pylori has dropped in the under
>> 60 crowd.  Why his twin doesn't have it we'll never know since they 
>> came out of the same environment.
>> In 2013, after having done the treatment for H. Pylori, as I said, it 
>> still persisted in lingering in his system.  So, it was off to the 
>> infectious disease doctor.  His recommendation:  Instead of taking the 
>> two antibiotics one after another and the probiotic at the same time, 
>> we were to give him both antibiotics for 42 days and then a month or 
>> two
> of probiotics.
>> Amazingly, we are almost certain that Helicobacter Pylori is a thing 
>> of our past.
>> Along with all that medicine, we finally got everyone in his world on 
>> board to remove all gluten from his diet.  Voila!  Except for the 
>> bouts of aphthous ulcers he gets in his mouth -- we don't know why yet
>> -- he has become a happy boy.  He does not have the horrible gassy 
>> stomach.  He does not have that funny garlicky-smelling breath that 
>> was peculiar to a tummy that was full of stuff that needed to get out.
>> Killing H. Pylori did not solve constipation/diarrhea cycles, but it 
>> has helped it become more manageable.
>> It is so amazing to live in a time when so much is being learned about 
>> how the health of our gut affects the rest of our body and in a time 
>> when autism is being studied so thoroughly since it seems to be on the 
>> rise.  (Autism is a topic for another day.)
>> Is it any wonder to anyone now why I need not one, but two different 
>> antidepressants?  And, maybe you are right.  Maybe they are what is 
>> inhibiting my creativity which also figures into why I can feel so down.
>> Too many thoughts run through my head and yet I cannot make them leave 
>> through my fingertips to my Braille Edge.
>> Barbara
>> Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down.--Robert 
>> Frost -----Original Message-----
>> From: EJ Kobek via stylist
>> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 6:45 PM
>> To: NFB Stylist
>> Subject: Re: [stylist] Writers and depression
>> Hi, all, esp. Vejas,
>> Want to say much more, as we all do!  What's amazing is that medicine 
>> is starting to look at lacking of imbalance of gut bacteria as a 
>> source of despair (whatever one calls it), and they are even starting 
>> to care for people with schizophrenia with probiotics....A fabulous 
>> book called "Missing Microbes" even looks at the gut and other 
>> bacteria we need for physical and mental health that are becoming 
>> extinct, along with other, larger creatures....micobes we really need 
>> that are being disappeared by misuse of antibiotics.....
>> Gut bacteria has an amazing impact on our mental health!!!
>> Might I propose a TOPIC for writing? Intestinally?
>> The topic:  Beneficial bacteria!
>> A haiku, a poem, a story, a prose piece?
>> Just an offering. I'll get to it during our blizzard today and 
>> tomorrow....anyone else?
>> (Smile, grin.....)
>> Warmly,
>> Helen (and her beneficial bacteria)
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