[stylist] believing the unbelievable

Semirhage severus13 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 17:30:20 UTC 2015

Hi, Atty. Well okay, here goes. Usually I think anyone mentioning stuff like 
this out of the blue sounds crazy, but then again they don't do it in the 
company of those they are sure are of like minds. The experience I cried for 
4 days over was in no way my first, so it wasn't that sort of shock. It was 
a shock because I believed it t o be out of the realm of what was possible 
even for a paranormal practitioner. I was on the phone with a friend, my 
room mate on the other extension. I was making coffee for us in the kitchen. 
I felt a tug on one of the chains I was wearing. I had on at that t ime, 4 
pendants on chains of different lengths so they'd not strike against one 
another as that can break gemstones and that's what they all were. There 
were two slight tugs one after the other and I looked down and my favorite 
pendant, a citrine, was gone. The chain was unbroken. I make jewelry so I 
know settings. This was no jump ring that could've come open slightly. IT 
was an unbroken ring of silver for the bale. There was no silver left. Just 
an empty chain. So how the hell did it come off the chain? I kept saying 
metal can't pass through metal. Just a closed chain and no trace of the 
citrine.  Of course my logic kicked in and came up with all these illogical 
explanations, but as they were indeed illogical, logic scrambling, as it 
were, none of them made sense or panned out. And I was shocked that so many 
people believed me. I was touched as I'd frankly have flat out thought 
someone I didn't know was nuts, and even if it was a trusted  friend, I'd 
think that this was what they believed happened, but that they had to have 
been missing something. So I call my mom and I'm in tears and the first 
thing she says is who did you piss off. And that scared me even more because 
of the fact it was my favorite pendant so I felt attacked. Nothing else was 
taken from my person or in general, though, so later, I began to think 
someone, a guide, took it because I was depending on it too much.Can't be 
sure but when I did meditate with my guides and asked 2 of them what 
happened they both just...kinda stood and stared at me like they were just 
waiting for me to tell them instead. LOL. I was alone in the room when it 
happened, and again no way to have gotten it off that chain. Still blows my 
mind a little today. LOL. I've experienced other intangible things, but at 
least others were there to experience them too which helped a lot. LOL. This 
was just...unlike anything else that has ever happened.
I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed.
I get along with the voices inside of my head. 

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