[stylist] Weekly Writing Challenge

Semirhage severus13 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 01:00:22 UTC 2015

HI, Bridgit and list.
First of all, I'm sorry about your ankle and hope it gets better soon. 
That's never any fun. I sprained mine once and was doing medical massage at 
the time. IT was Valentines week and I had couples massages lined up. That's 
where one waits with a magazine while you massage the other then they switch 
off. I was so tired nd had to work on the ankle. GRRR. You never realize how 
movement is hampered with something like that until it is I think. Anyway, 
hopefully you're able to stay off yours more than I was as yours is 
definitely worse.
As for poetry, critiquing and this list, I wasn't indicating that this list 
did or could or should not do that. I was saying that there are also lots of 
other things the list is for and that I tend to utilize those other things. 
I have chatted and shared writing/publishing info, including the ralan.com 
site where reputable publishers, writing contests, ETC are listed from 
anything from short stories to books that people are seeking. I just meant 
that the comment initially made it sound as if this is just a critique list 
and I was saying, it was news to me as I tend to utilize the other 
categories...And I never submit anything for critique so don't feel bad not 
giving any either. If I have time to read something and it speaks to me I 
comment. If I have no interest for the material and lack time to read it, I 
don't, but again I don't submit either. Probably should've clarified. *hugs*
I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed.
I get along with the voices inside of my head. 

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