[stylist] Poem - "Drinking" - Second Draft

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Tue Jun 16 13:24:46 UTC 2015

Hey Bill,

While I'll never pass on a beer with a nice hamburger, I've become fond of a
nice red wine to compliment the burger as well. It's probably an acquired
taste, but worth it, in my mind.

Anyway, on to your poem. I like it, and while I'm not perfectly clear on all
your phrasing, I certainly get the gist of your efforts. And personally, if
I don't have to puzzle over parts of a poem, it's almost like a let down.
This had a nice balance to me, and again--I enjoyed it.

For the record, beer and wine are both fermented. In fact, all alcoholic
beverages are made with the initial step of fermenting natural sugars into
ethanol.I don't think you need to change the line in your poem, but be
prepared for some blowback from people with nothing better to do.  

It's water Icrave, clear and iced, like melting star, - need a space between
I and crave

Nice job,



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