[stylist] poem revisions

Barbara HAMMEL poetlori8 at msn.com
Thu Jun 18 16:36:47 UTC 2015

I know, for years I've been saying I was going to try revising my poems. As you know, I have always thought a poem complete and the way it was meant to be until you fine folks informed me that improvements could be made on them. But, somehow, I can't bring myself to do it because it would mess up my extensively organized folders by doing that. My question is, do you then count a revised poem as a new one? You'll probably tell me it's up to me what I do but I need help tricking my brain because if I rewrite something, seems to me it should have a new date. I have actually sorted my poems into ones I want to work on revising and which are too personal or too awful or stupid to waste my time improving on.
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