[stylist] We Are Like Them poem revised

Jennifer Applegate jlastar at comcast.net
Fri Nov 6 18:24:17 UTC 2015

We Are Like Them By JLA


We do what we want to do

We go where we want to go


They believed we couldn't

They believed we wouldn't

But we've overcome


We've raised our boys and girls

They believed we couldn't

We've praised louder joining hands  to change the world

They believed we couldn't


We've sacrificed time, committed to achieve equal rights 

They believed we wouldn't

We've strategized with advice, completed degrees this special night

They believed we wouldn't


We've driven a car wheeling winter roads

They believed we couldn't

We've walked through airports tapping silver stone

They believed we couldn't


We've voted using digital machines during elections

They believed we wouldn't

We've spoken true difficult stories seeking progression

They believed we wouldn't


We've soared high above deep valleys

They believed we couldn't

We've smiled on top of steep mountains

They believed we couldn't


They believed we wouldn't

They believed we couldn't

But we've overcome


We go where we want to go

We do what we want to do


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