[stylist] For Robert

Semirhage severus13 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 10:59:26 UTC 2015

Hi, Robert. I hope you see this. We've  been having computer issues that we thought were modem issues and have lost all the addresses we had along with some files. It's been a stressful 2  days of figuring that out then another 2 days of trying to set up the spare comp and recover stuff. So I no longer have your personal email. Thomas wrote Eve and sent me his email about having a flu the day of the meeting. I wrote her after as I felt awful about that and still do. If he'd only gotten sick one bloody day before Ishamael and I could've pulled some trick out of our hats, but apparently it wasn't supposed to work out. I didn't have anyone else's email at the time as I was writing from this spare, and as you can see I still don't. As we had nothing we went ahead to our  chess club we run Sunday, but I tried to call from there on a  friend's cell phone if only not to keep people waiting. It was about 10 minutes later than the start of the meeting because he was late. The friend with the phone that is. LOL. But when I tried to dial it was only a fast busy signal so either I had the number wrong or the call was already done when you guys got tired of waiting. I don't know much about those conference lines so don't know how it works when someone's not there. At any rate, Sunday started with the com[p trouble, then Thomas's call in which he sounded like a zombie, and it's just been a crazy couple days and we're now just back online  steadily...I hope. Anyway, I hadn't heard from Eve then thought, she may not even have net yet as when I move something always happens no matter how carefully I plan and I don't have net for 2 weeks, leaving me only with the local businesses who have wyfi when I can get to one, so I'm thinking she's maybe got the same deal. Anyway, I'm sorry to put all this on the list, but as I didn't hear from her I didn't see a point in writing ehr again in case she couldn't even check so wanted to write you here with my apology. This kinda reminds me of Chris's story with no good mushrooms, alas. It's been a weird few days. IT feels as if Halloween came early. Ad that to a lot of general outside running around with RL errands that have  been all loopy and I'm just ready for Friday. Our  friend's having a BD party and I'm ready for a party! At least Thomas getting sick has motivated us to get the flu shot so I'm calling our DR about that tomorrow. If he's any indication this one will really be bad bad.
I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed.
I get along with the voices inside of my head.

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