[stylist] Critiquing Things You Don't Like

David Russell david.sonofhashem at gmail.com
Mon Aug 14 13:25:25 UTC 2017

Hi Tessa,

First, thank you for your topic, and I commend you for sticking with
critiquing something as lengthy as a novel that you have opposing
feelings and views over. That puts one in a tough position.

I critique things as a reader more than a writer. My writing
experience, though over a lifetime is about 7-years-old in fiction. I
feel more comfortable sharing reactions with writers as a reader, and
belong to an online writing critique group where monthly we submit a
story for critique, and must critique at least one story by another
group member. Of course, choice stands out. There are about 60 members
in the group. Not all 60 post every month.

Critique from where you feel skilled. How is this person at description?
What do you think of their dialogue tags?
Do they create conflict in the story or have good ability to capture
reader interest? Your interest?

How is their spelling?

I think if you stick to appearances and mechanics, that will help deal
with the discomfort. If said author hears similarly from you and
others, that means something needs their attention in my estimation. I
wish you well with this difficult one.

David Russell
david.sonofhashem at gmail.com
"chilah phanim" Make G-d smile!

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