[stylist] As I promised last night

Lynda Lambert llambert at zoominternet.net
Mon Feb 27 20:29:08 UTC 2017

First, a big THANK YOU to all who came to the phone meeting last night. It was truly a pleasure to speak with everyone. I appreciated this opportunity.

Here is the link to the Deepak Chopra book that was requested:
Link to Deepak Chopra's book

I also spoke about the “One Word” project that I started 3 years ago. This single activity has reaped tremendous rewards for me personally and professionally. 
In 2015, my one word was “Exuberance.” My writing career took off with exuberance this year with many publications of my work -
In 2016, it was “Extraordinary.”  During the year, over 70 of my poems and CNF essays were published in literary magazines, books, and on-line blogs.
    I set my intentions to write a book this year and completed the draft and set to editors in November.
For 2017, my “one word” is “Intentional.” My desire is to be INTENTIONAL, to express a carefully considered purpose in all I do.  
    In February, my latest book “Walking by Inner Vision: Stories  & Poems was published.
    I have 3 additional books in process for publication in 2018 and 2019 at this time.

Just today, I wrote and published  a new article about the “One Word” experience on  Walking by Inner Vision Blog.
 Click here to read ONE WORD on my blog!

Great to meet another RARE  person who has Ischemic Optic Neuropathy, too!

Lynda Lambert

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