[Stylist] RE Stylist: Good Reads Question

M. Taylor mktay at ucla.edu
Thu Aug 2 02:06:29 UTC 2018

Hello David,

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

I claimed my author page, last week; and was just wondering who, from this group, is also using the GoodReads service.

Congratulations on publishing your autobiography.  What an accomplishment.

As for me, I write under the pen name of Mark Marcus.  My two books are That's The Way Love Goes, published in 2011 and, The Dream Factory, published in 2012.  Both of these titles are available on Amazon, Kindle, iBooks, Barns & Noble, etc.

I will search for you on GoodReads and ad your titles to my list of books to read.

I absolutely love GoodReads.  I have read and shelved over 300 books since creating my user account.  The GoodReads iOS app is completely VoiceOver accessible and it was that app that originally placed me on the path that I am now discovering.

A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue, it occurred to me that GoodReads would be the perfect place to promote my work.  So, I claimed my author page, Mark Marcus, and am exploring all of my new options.

As far as I can tell, GoodReads is a great place to promote one's work.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Russell [mailto:david.sonofhashem at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 11:34 AM
To: mktay at ucla.edu
Subject: RE Stylist: Good Reads Question

Hello Mark Taylor:

Yes, I have in the past claimed my author page at GoodReads. It is relatively easy to do if you just fill in the appropriate fields.

Or, that was the case about a year ago when doing so. I need to update as I am on the verge of publishing my autobio sketch in a couple months. Promote, promote, promote you know.

The author page offers helpful hints on what to write in terms of interview answers to suggested questions there.
You can select which questions to answer. Be patient as you familiarize yourself with the process.


David Russell

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