[Stylist] Poem: "Blindness"

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Wed Dec 5 14:57:33 UTC 2018

Hey Brax,

Welcome back to the group, and thanks for sharing your work.

I'm not a poet, although I enjoy reading poems and thinking about what I
like, or don't care for, about them.

I like this poem because it captures, in your unique way, some of the stages
we go through when losing our sight. You also have a great vocabulary, which
I appreciate. One line really sticks with me-- But after seven years, or ten
or twelve, the fires subside, burn out, and you find one day that you can
ride Bach fugues like a sublime toboggan, that familiar voices are hueful as
Renoir gardens, and the sheets on your bed are sweet as Rainier streams.

One suggestion I have is for you to consider inserting more line breaks. As
I listen, there are parts that come across as a perfect measure, and other
parts where it's like the poem is running out of air. Some line breaks might
improve the pacing. I don't know if you use a screen reader, but I find it
helpful to listen. You can hear the musicality, or lack of it, in a poem. It
helps with pacing, and will allow you to hear those occasional typos as well
as any screen reader--and perhaps better.


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