[Stylist] More stones

Jackie jackieleepoet at cox.net
Sat Dec 8 20:24:05 UTC 2018

I have read your poem again, knowing what to look for. I am truly impressed
with all of the research you had to do to come out with your 7-7-7 poem. I
congratulate you.
I am going to paste one I semi-plagiarized from my mother. I kept the title
and the last two lines, and the basic format, but substituted all of my own
jewelry instead of using hers. For that reason, I have never submitted it.
My father was a rock and gem collector and when I hunted rocks with him, we
came across a rattlesnake or two! Of course, it became jewelry also.

Jacqueline Williams

Clarity is just questioning having eaten its fill.
     Jenny Xie

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